Shilo - 11/4/13 - Gesture 6, Ink on Paper, 9"x12" |
Another Monday at the Honololu Museum of Art. The model was named Shilo and this was the first time I had drawn her. She was very muscular and able to hold some really difficult poses.
I was trying something different with the gesture drawing in this session. I started in purple to get the basic forms, then added a water wash to make some ink forms. Afterwards, I added orange to create the highlights. I love the effect is created in these gesture and will have to try it again.
Above is my favorite of the short drawings. It is a two-minute gesture drawing and I managed to capture so much of the form in the two minute time limit.
There are some things in this drawing I can improve upon. I dislike how I planned the page and am annoyed I lost her lower legs because of poor layout. This may sound obvious, but I also realize the orange, as bright as it may be, is still darker then the white of the page. I originally thought the brightest highlights should be the orange applied with the thick brush tip. But now I thing the mid-level lights should be the bold brush and the brighter highlights should be the marker tip.
Shilo - 11/4/13 - Gesture 2, Ink on Paper, 9"x 12" |
I love this gesture. There is such a wonderful flow to the form and I love how I used the pens in this one.
Below are the other gesture drawings from this session.
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Shilo - 11/4/13 - Gesture 1, Ink on Paper, 9"x 12" |
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Shilo - 11/4/13 - Gesture 3, Ink on Paper, 9"x 12" |
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Shilo - 11/4/13 - Gesture 4, Ink on Paper, 9"x12" |
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Shilo - 11/4/13 - Gesture 5, Ink on Paper, 9"x 12" |
A headstand. Shilo did a headstand for one of the two-minute poses. It's very impressive because she kept remarkably still and because she was able to hold it for two minutes. Very impressive.
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Shilo - 11/4/13 - Short, Ink on Paper, 9"x 12" |
Above is the 10-minute pose from that night. I did not like the five-minute poses so i didn't bother to include them. I did manage to get a lot done on this pose. I struggled with how to render Shilo's very light blonde hair. It gave me pause and I don't think I managed to pull it off here.
I am really happy with the gesture drawings from the night and will have to try the purple/orange pen combination again.
"Curiosity is one of the most permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect."
~ Samuel Johnson