Saturday, February 23, 2013

Zwick Studio - 02/23/13 - Sergio - Oil Sketch

Today I went to Zwick Studios; the model was Sergio.

I came to the class with a simple objective. I wanted to see how much I could finish in an oil painting in the 3 hour class time.

I am really happy with this oil sketch. I did get a lot done in the pose. I really like how the painting looks and feels.

There is a great spontaneity to the painting. There is a lot of movement I managed to capture in this pose. I really think this painting show a jump between my figure sketches and my png term paintings.

I had a really good day.

Zwick Studio is located at 1041 Maunakea St. Honolulu, HI, 96817. His open studio is on Saturdays from 10am to 1pm. There is a $15 class Fee.

"My portraits are half what I see 
and the other half is invented or dictated by the person and the painting."
 ~ Francesco Clemente

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